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The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes o

coming soon


Haitian Creole

images courtesy of The Chosen

Paulos Group is partnering with Come and See to produce a high quality Haitian Creole translation of The Chosen for full voice-over audio dubbing of the TV series. Our team of language experts, theological and biblical scholars includes many of those who worked on Istwa Jezi nan Bib la pou timoun—The Jesus Storybook Bible Haitian Creole Edition.


The Chosen relies on donor funding to make the show free for everyone to watch worldwide. A single episode of The Chosen costs $6M to produce, and $2K to translate into Haitian Creole—the third most spoken language in North America.


Paulos Group needs your help with these translation and studio costs. Your donation makes it possible for others to come and see!

Season 1-4 progress: 8 episodes per season

100% funded

Season 1

0% funded

Season 2

0% funded

Season 3

0% funded

Season 4

Give to translating The Chosen into Haitian Creole

Paulos Group is an accelerator for economic and social impact in Haiti. As a faith-based non-profit organization, we consider your gift an investment in what we like to call: Transformation+


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